6th graders branching out with STEM!
CES Chiefs having fun in Mr. Dotson and Mrs. Alison's PE class! Our Chiefs enjoy learning about health and fitness in PE.
Ask your Chief about their favorite activity in PE :)
Don't miss out on the cutest school shirt ever!
Today is the last day to order our FALL shirt.
Click on the links to order yours now.
Sweatshirt Link https://murrayk12.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/1267/400/False/True
Long Sleeve TShirt Link
Noteworthy news from Mrs. Jones!!!
You're invited to the CES Title I Meeting in the Media Center!
We are looking forward to DAY 1 with our students! We wanted to take a moment to share with our new families our afternoon pick-up paths. **If you have a student who is in K-2nd who also has an older sibling, the older sibling WILL be allowed to sit in the K-2 pickup area as well.
We cannot wait to share our new logo and brand campaign with you!
2023 Graduates and Families don't miss this great opportunity through our partners at the Murray County Chamber of Commerce.
Don't miss the Chattanooga Food Bank Mobile Pantry this summer! Dates and locations listed here.